Mar 25, 2008

"Monkey's Uncle" - Set Design 01

my original plan was to overlay the 3d animation over my 2d photoshopped treebranch but while I've been blocking in the animation and trying to get all my key poses working and ive repeatedly been running into the question: how can i do all the acting i want to do within this one fixed camera frame and it still feel dynamic and full of life?

one idea was to pick a number of fixed camera frames and hand-paint them so i can get some variation of camera frame while maintaining the 2d element but then i would run the risk of the background just being distracting and taking away from the action. but as i sat down to work on the problem again after arriving home from work where i'd spent 8 hours building photoreal polygon trees (a pandanus and a frangipani) i figured i could probably build the darned thing in 3d and solve all the problems in one go; i would be able to pick and choose my camera movements to show off the animation with all the added flexibility of being able to edit and rig movements to the tree's limbs.. Now we're talking!!

Seeing as i'd already been animating the monkey to a blocked out mesh that matched my original 2d tree plate (seen below) i had to proceed from that without changing the relevant parts of the tree too much till i came to a design that i could sign off on.

I think a great design solution is one that makes me unable to return to the original design because the new solution is so simple and strong that it seems the only good idea in retrospect..

So this is the basic design of the centre stage of this piece.. its cartoony feel allows me not to feel too compromised by the change from the original idea, and it also gives the short a super strong design edge that has been lacking in alot of my previous pieces.. (im still not sure what to do with rest but im definately happy with the tree).

see you soon!

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